CFrame without Rotation Data

This is very simple,the title practically says it all.
Is there a way to use CFrames without Rotation data.
I know Vector3 and Position is better,but I am Tweening the players HumanoidRootPart to another place,and If i use Position the HumanoidRootPart gets separated from the rest of the body.

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You’ll want to use (Cframe-Cframe.Position) to keep the rotation and move the position when tweening. If you want a CFrame without rotation, only put a vector3 as the first argument.


Could you show how this would look in a line of code?

local newPosition = ...
local goal = {CFrame = (part.CFrame - part.Position) + newPosition}

You remove and replace the Position data of the CFrame. That way all the other data remains intact.

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