CFrame won't get deleted if car fell into the void

My current problem is that i made a teleporter, it teleports the player to the car using the CFrame, but i noticed CFrames don’t get deleted if it fell into the void so i get the problem that the teleporter teleports me there where the car was removed from the void, but it does get deleted if i destroy the model, then everything works, but i want to know how to delete the CFrame because it doesnt get deleted if it fell into the void

or how do i reassign the CFrame, like relink the teleporter to the cloned car CFrame OR Position

CFrame is not an Instance. Can you explain more?

what the teleporter is doing is copying the CFrame of the part and assigning it to the players humanoidrootpart

here is a little snippet of my code

humanoidRootPart.CFrame = part1.CFrame

Then you need to select the new car position, if an object is deleted, the Parent property of the object becomes nil
You can check if the car is still in the game or got deleted by this:

if part1.Parent then
    --object is still in the game. You can teleport to it
    --object got deleted, you should get the new object cframe

I can help more if you give more detail

The problem is, the teleporter is teleporting to the car which was deleted from the void, so the player gets teleported where the car was last at, the void. it doesnt teleport to the new car. (yes i also made sure it waits for the car, but the problem is that it teleports to the void after the car has gone to the void)

The car got deleted but it is still here in your script. You should check if it exists by checking the Parent property. If it is nil then you need to find the new model and get the CFrame of it. Can you send your script?

Ive got a script in serverscriptservice, which checks if the car is there or not, if its not there, it clones it from replicatedstorage and spawns it where it usually is, now in the teleport button script, it waits for the car, my problem is that it somehow still linked to the old car, so it sends you to the void, and the button is not in the car model, its a seperate model. also im not on my pc rightnow, so i can’t show you the scripts rightnow

For example, if the car name is Car and it is in workspace, you can change the linked part by this:

local Car = workspace:FindFirstChild("Car") -- this is our car
local button = script.Parent --lets say this is the button

    if Car.Parent then
        humanoidRootPart.CFrame = Car.CFrame
        Car = workspace:WaitForChild("Car") -- Waits for the new car (If there isnt)
        humanoidRootPart.CFrame = Car.CFrame

Also you actually dont need to do this like this, you can just check the car in the workspace when the button gets clicked:

local button = script.Parent
    humanoidRootPart.CFrame = workspace:WaitForChild("Car").CFrame

Hope this helps