CFrame wont work with moon animator

So im using Moon Animator from xSIXx.Moon Animator 2 - Roblox

Im animating a part. Not rigged, i added the part with CFrame, and from the official tutorial from xSIXx’s yt channel.:

and from the tutorial, xSIXx said "press + (to make a new keyframe of the rig or part selected) then press ctrl1 (to quickly drag the part in studio, not in the plugin.) then go back to studio, and the part was moved in the plugin and there was a valid keyframe, naturally i tried that and it did not work…

starts to bang head on desk so anyway, can anyone please help? I’m very new to moon animator and confused :confused:

Yes, it is possible to make a backpack weld to the player’s body. Use welds and CFrame to correcly postion it.

An easier way to achieve this would be to make use of the built-in attachment system used to attach hats to a player. For example, if a model with a part called “Handle” with an attachment within that part called “HatAttachment” were to be parented to the player’s character the model would automatically move to their head.