CFrame:Lerp() with Orientation is not increasing towards the target

Hello developers, I’m trying to create my own TweenService library for test and additional feature purposes. I need to rotate a part by 360, so it should complete a full spin around itself.

I use my own library because I’m using custom eases for the animations (Created by external plugin).

When I try to lerp with orientation, it always goes for the shortest path. So logically, Z axis 0 to Z axis 360 does absolutely nothing on the part.

What am I doing wrong?

Here is the scripts:


function EzTween:Run()
	local duration = self.duration
	local target =
	local start = self.goal[1]
	local goal = self.goal[2]
	local startTime = tick()
	local progress
	if self.t == "cframe" then
		--target.CFrame = start
		self.isHeart = true
		self.connection = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
			local elapsedTime = tick() - startTime
			progress = elapsedTime / duration

			if progress >= 1 then
				progress = 1
				self.isHeart = false
            --The lerp
			target.CFrame = start:Lerp(goal, self.curve:Get(progress))

The localscript:

local t2 = CTween:UtilizeCFrame(1,Viewport.Part,require(script.Parent.CanSpin),{CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,0),CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(300),0)})

I can provide more scripts if would help.