A chaser part is supposed to tp to the last position of the humanoid and then face it properly, for some reason it gets misplaced after setting the cframe lookvector
if victim then
char.CFrame = CFrame.new(position + Vector3.new(0,9,0))
char.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(script.Parent.Position, Vector3.new(victim.Torso.Position.X, script.Parent.Position.Y,victim.Torso.Position.Z))
chasing = false
Hey, There! I guess the problem is Initial Positioning and Incorrect Target Position so if we want to change this. First calculate the Correct Target Position
local targetPosition = Vector3.new(victim.Torso.Position.X, script.Parent.Position.Y, victim.Torso.Position.Z)
To set the initial position of the char part. and places the char part 9 units above the given position
also Setting the CFrame to Face the Target Position
Doesn’t work, for context the position variable is the hrp position, its a little messsed up. Im trying to save the hrp position so it isnt updated constantly, for the tp to be with a slight delay so the chaser can catch you only if you stand still