CFrame.LookVector is point at wrong place

I am trying to make a gun but I see that the LookVector of gun core is pointing at the wrong place.

Red part is the LookVector of the core and blue part is the CFrame which I use ToWorldSpace to get it.

local Part1 ="Part",workspace)
Part1.Anchored = true ; Part1.Position = Grabing.Core.CFrame.LookVector * 50
Part1.Size =,0.5,0.5)
Part1.BrickColor ="Really red")
local Part2 ="Part",workspace)
Part2.Anchored = true
Part2.CFrame = Grabing.Core.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(,0,-50))
Part2.Size =,0.5,0.5)
Part2.BrickColor ="Baby blue")

Here is the model of my gun

Maybe it’s the way you worded it, but I’m confused on what you’re trying to achieve? The first image looks like a bullet path is being draw from the gun to some distance directly in front of it.

I hope I can make the lookvector go to the right position.

What position? What unexpected behavior is occurring? I’m a little lost, sorry.

After re-reading the post, I see that the red part (which looks to be above the NPC’s head, but is against the wall) is the LookVector that you’re trying to draw the bullet to?

Sorry maybe is my problem.

Hope this help you understand.
The lookvector position should same as the blue color part but it go red color block and make the bullet go shoot at wrong place.

Ah I see what you’re talking about now. Instead of using the LookVector to determine where the bullet goes, why not use the :ToWorldSpace() function that you used to display the blue part?

Edit: The function where you visualize the bullet might help.

Ok, I was thinking could I script less code so that I can read more easily later but look like this is just a bug.