Chain Game Template - A fully Functional Game Template made with the Knit Game Framework

C.G.T - is a game template that aims to simplify the game prototyping and development process by providing a standardized development environment. C.G.T provides you with all the essential tools you would need to start a new project and prevent you from shooting yourself in the foot by spending time on the non-prototyping-related parts of the project.

Out of the box C.G.T gives you a:

  • A fully set up knit project, as mentioned in my prior knit setup guide it’s quite the hassle to set up knit and I hope this should help address that problem for a lot of people

  • PlayerData Manager- Built with ProfileService and ReplicaService by MadStudioRoblox. You can edit PlayerData and handle changes in a performant and predictable manner.

    Editing Data
        A module for testing other modules
        Members [ClassName]:
        Methods [ClassName]:
    local SETTINGS = {}
    ----- Loaded Modules -----
    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
    local Knit = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.knit)
    ----- Module Table -----
    local TestService = Knit.CreateService({ Name = "TemplateService" })
    ----- Private Variables -----
    ----- Private functions -----
    ----- Public -----
    ----- Initialize & Connections -----
    function TestService:KnitStart()
        local player_data_service = Knit.GetService("PlayerDataService")
        local player = Players:GetPlayers()[1] or Players.PlayerAdded:Wait()
            DataReplica:SetValue("SomeData", DataReplica.Data.SomeData + 100)-- The value you're changing has to have been added in your save structure
    return TestService
    Handling Changes
        A module for testing other modules
        Members [ClassName]:
        Methods [ClassName]:
    local SETTINGS = {}
    ----- Loaded Modules -----
    local Players = game:GetService("Players")
    local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
    local Knit = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.knit)
    local ReplicaController = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Packages.replicaservice)
    ----- Module Table -----
    local TestController = Knit.CreateController({ Name = "TestController" })
    ----- Private Variables -----
    ----- Private functions -----
    ----- Public -----
    ----- Initialize & Connections -----
    function TestController:KnitStart()
        ReplicaController.ReplicaOfClassCreated("PlayerData", function(replica)
            if replica.Tags.Player == Players.LocalPlayer then
                replica:ListenToChange("SomeData", function()
                    print("SomeData Changed")
                    --Do Something when SomeData changes
    return TestController
  • Command Bar- Built with Cmdr by evaera :heart:. Allows you to create your own “Admin Commands” that can be used for debugging e.t.c



  • Temp PlayerData Manager - Aims to provide a centralized way to access, edit and react to changes in temporary player data, shares the same format as the PlayerData Manager

Documentation: C.G.T
File: C-G-T.rbxl (353.2 KB)


im not smart enough to understand how this works, but a command bar you can customize is amazing

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We can not edit the game.

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Updated, you should now be able to edit it

This very much mirrors my workflow. I was planning on creating a template myself but this works just as well! Thank you so much

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Is it possible to make an arg of objects in a folder?