Challenge: I map in one hour and here is the results

Here is the results to this map : 0

(I released the build to be open source btw)


Awesome job. I can really tell you took your good time within that hour. It would’ve been cool if you also added flowers around that time!

Overall, keep up the great work. You did an outstanding job!


There’s no way you didn’t that in one hour. That’s insane.


Oh, that’s true. I could’ve done that but I was running out of time tbh hahaha.


you really… are amazing! in only ONE hour?


Dude all your projects are insane, so much so so little time.
Edit: why don’t you group the builds together?

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I already have large-scale projects! But, these are practice for me so I just do it.

Nice work mate; would definitely look brilliant if you had more than 1 hour.


this is AMAZING i mean like REALLY AMAZING to bad you only had one hour this is the opposite on how i feel :face_vomiting:


is this an asset pack you used???

I do not believe it is? Unless I am told-otherwise.

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like how u make them trees??? and that wind??? and the cliffs???

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Oh, a good resource to create things like that is a 3rd party software called Blender where it is used to create complicated models.

But, if you look in the map I provided it is shown how these are made from a studio standpoint as the tree’s are made by me and they have a surface appearance texture.

But, I do say blender is the best and most efficient way. However, if you’re interested in the wind module here it is!

I hope this helps : )

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did you make the surface appearance texture by your self sorry if i am being dumb

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My god is this amazing for a timespan of 1 hour.

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This is INSANE for a one hour build, good job!

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Mhm. If you wanted a reference to how it looks like as a texture compared to ingame then here it is.

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Looks amazing for 1 hour. If you had more time I would want to see more variation in the rock models to make it more detailed and some color difference in the rocks.

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Oh, yea I agree to that. I would believe putting more detail on the cliffs like stalagmites in the water and cliffs, maybe some tree roots and more variations of tree’s but I don’t have that time in 1 hour to do that all LOL. IT was kinda a speedrun

sorry just one more question the trees you made there called sterilized trees?