Change a UIGradient's offset depending on a value

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I’m making a game similar to Raise a Floppa. I want to use a UIGradient’s offset to change the “size” of the bar depending on how much hunger I have. The hunger value starts at 100 and slowly decreases to 0.

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    For example, in order to get an empty hunger bar using UIGradient, the X offset has to be -1. But that means that the value of 0 will have to turn into -1 and I can’t figure out that math.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    I’ve tried to turn the hunger value to a negative number and divide that by 100 to get a negative decimal. While it does show correctly when the hunger is at 50, a hunger value of 40 makes the UIGradient’s offset -0.4, which makes the bar fill up to around 60% of its size.

Code for the bar tweening, local script is placed inside of the hunger bar.

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer

local statsFolder = player:WaitForChild("FriendStats")
local hungerVal = statsFolder:WaitForChild("Hunger")

local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local ti =, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out)

local bar = script.Parent
local hungerText = bar.Parent.TextLabel
local uiGradient = bar:FindFirstChild("UIGradient")

	if hungerVal.Value <= 0 then
		bar.Visible = false
		bar.Visible = true

	local gradientTween = tweenService:Create(uiGradient, ti, {Offset = / 100), 0)})
	hungerText.Text = hungerVal.Value.. "%"

Try this: / value, 0) -- returns number between 0 - -1

What would maxValue and value be?

100 would be maxValue and hungerVal.Value the value

Looks like the X offset is going up positively when I use this:

{Offset = / hungerVal.Value, 0)})

The X offset on my UIGradient has to be from 0 to -1 in order to move how I’d like it (right to left)

Maybe try this:

{Offset = / 100, 0)})


{Offset = / hungerVal.Value, 0)})

Tried your first solution, which was pretty much the same as what I did before. The second solution is giving numbers smaller than -1

Maybe try this function to do that:

local function Normalize(x)
	return (x - 0.5) * 2

Source (External)

Well, sorry I can’t help anymore :man_shrugging: Now I don’t know either

Sorry, this didn’t seem to work either. My issues were kind of vague so I’ll explain some more examples.

The hunger value of 75 would have to turn into -0.25, and the hunger value of 25 would have to turn into -0.75.

The hunger value of 100 would have to turn into 0, and the hunger value of 0 would have to turn into -1.

The hunger value of 90 would have to turn into -0.1, and the hunger value of 10 would have to turn into -0.9

an image of the examples or your goal would be helpful…

local gradientOffsetX = (hungerVal.Value / 100) - 1

local gradientOffset =, 0)