When player join all of part/specialmesh/mesh will be a specific material, like 3d adn 2d clothes, accessories, bodyparts like literally all itens of player
for i,v in pairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
v.Material = MaterialYouWant
I should also note, make sure you check the class/type of instance v is by using:
if v:IsA(" ") or v:IsA(" ") then
--Material Change here
- Where do i put the script in?
- at “MaterialYouWant” i just put the name of material or need put something more in?
– Also i just know a bit of scripting
For some reason it doesn’t work for most materials, although that’s a Roblox issue and not related to the code:
--Place inside game.StarterPlayer.StarterCharacterScripts
local function setModelMaterial(model: Model, material: Enum.Material)
for _, v in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("BasePart") then v.Material = material end
local character = script.Parent
--example using the ForceField material
setModelMaterial(character, Enum.Material.ForceField)
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I wanted changed the material to do this effect (Character “respond” the light) to look a bit more realistic – also when player reset still changing the material
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