While developing my game, I wondered how can you do this:
Let’s say we have 10 buttons (image or text, preferably text). In a GUI.
Let’s name them Button1, Button2 to Button10.
So let’s say they have a color of white (black outlines). When we click one, it turns grey. When we click another one, the previous one turns back to white and the new one the grey. You see where I’m going with this.
Extra info (not necessary)
Just to simplify, let’s make it so we have a TextButton, we click it to open our UI (ImageLabel and the 10 TextButtons). Our first one is grey (Button1)
I wondered how I could do this, but I am a bit of a new scripter. So I’m pretty sure what I would code would be bad and there’s a better way of doing it.
If anyone could tell me how, link me any Devhub link, I would appreciate.
What I do in these cases is create a variable inside the script where I store the current “active” button. When I click another button, it first changes back the outline of the “active” button, then it changes the outline of the current button, and finally, it updates the active variable to the current button that was pressed.
I did not finish coding this yet. It will be quite a challenge. As of right now I am in online school. So I’ll be available at 4:10pm (depending on time zone), where I live it is around 1:50pm
So, basically. The script kinda works, the part that doesn’t work is, whenever I click another, the color doesn’t go back.
Also I set a Default “active” button, which it does not seem to work too.
Here’s the code:
local Map = script.Parent
local current = nil
wait(0) --Just because of a Stack.
local Cam01 = Map.Cam1
local Cam02 = Map.Cam2
local Cam03 = Map.Cam3
local Cam04 = Map.Cam4
local Cam05 = Map.Cam5
local Cam06 = Map.Cam6
local Cam07 = Map.Cam7
local Cam08 = Map.Cam8
Used = false
local function Coloringcurrent(Thing)
if Used == false then
current = Cam01
Used = true
current = Thing
if current == not Thing then
current.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(46,46,46)
current.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150, 150, 150)
current = Cam01
current = Cam02
--This goes on until 08
local Map = script.Parent
local Cams = {}
-- use a for loop to easily add all cams to a table
for i = 1, 8 do
local Cam = Map:FindFirstChild("Cam" .. i)
if Cam then
table.insert(Cams, Cam)
local LastCam
-- iterate the table of cams from earlier
for i, Cam in ipairs(Cams) do
-- when cam is clicked
-- if a cam was clicked before and the last cam isn't the cam you clicked
if LastCam and LastCam ~= Cam then
LastCam.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(46, 46, 46)
-- set LastCam to cam you clicked
LastCam = Cam
Cam.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(150, 150, 150)