Change font color in rich text (in script)

For my game I have a ui which needs multicolor text, I figured that out, but the problem is, when trying to use RichText i can’t figure out how to use font color in a script, i’ve tried like 50 different scripts but it doesn’t work.

(I basically want to be able to do: ‘blue red green’ in a script, with each word being respective to its color, but idk how to do it)

Can i have some help?

thanks in advance

(PS it would be helpful if you actually gave me some help)

What I’d do is that I’d make a variable name for each text

local Start, Middle, End

Start being the font special tag type and end being the finished font special tag while the middle is the message that you’d want here’s the example of what I did in my game.

local TextLabel = "TEXT HERE"
local PreviousMessage = "" -- So you can add in the previous message

function WriteMessageTyper(Start, Text, End) -- Weird name
	if Start == "Reset" then -- Optional but I'd use it for resetting text.
		PreviousMessage = ""
		TextLabel.Text = ""
	for i = 1, #Text do
		TextLabel.Text = PreviousMessage .. (Start ~= nil and Start or "") .. string.sub(Text, 1, i) .. (End ~= nil and End or "")
	PreviousMessage = TextLabel.Text

-- Result to see if it works.
WriteMessageTyper('<font color= "rgb(240, 40, 10)">', "RED Text", "</font>")
WriteMessageTyper('<font color= "rgb(225, 255, 10)">', "epic yellowish yextt", "</font>")
WriteMessageTyper('<font color= "rgb(25, 255, 0)">', "epic green!! yextt", "</font>")
WriteMessageTyper('<font color= "rgb(255, 255, 255)">', "back to boring white", "</font>")
WriteMessageTyper('<font color= "rgb(255, 255, 255)">', "back to boring white", "</font>")
