I am trying to figure out how to get the position of the Left Hand to be correct, after cloning my avatar into another avatar. The one I am cloning originally has that claw hand thing which I left alone on the right hand. I am working on the left hand I want to change it into a right hand with fingers. (hey ya, lets get some fingers on it… eh…)
I have the LeftHand mesh positioned in Studio so it looks right, then when I play and do the clone, it clones everything right, except the hand is positioned side ways, I assume how the original hand was exported / save, I guess. It is positioned sideways instead of the way it looked in studio edit.
Things I have tried:
- positioning the left hand in studio
-messing with the attachment lefthandwrist position
whatever I try, it always positions it sideways
This is how it looks when I Play, after I clone, and it is sideways
Old claw hand on right.
Trying to use the left hand with fingers on the left hand.
This is how it looks in Studio Edit mode:
Guess is maybe it has to do with one of these properties?
Thanks you very much for any help!