I’m making a rasengan ability, when you click R, a charge happens and then when you run, it does a special run, different than the normal one when you don’t have the rasengan.
Animation only plays for 2 seconds then stops, i tried looping it, also the anim priority is set to movement.
Looking around devforum and couldn’t find a solution.
if info.Key == Enum.KeyCode.R then
if sf.SetCooldown({plr = player, ability = "Rasengan", check = true}) then return end
sf.SetCooldown({plr= player, ability = "Rasengan", dura = 3})
local rasengan = repStorage.Effects.Rasengan:Clone()
Engine:FireClient(player, "LoadAnim", {Animation = repStorage.Animations.Charge, human = human})
task.delay(2, function()
rasengan.CFrame = character["Right Arm"].CFrame
rasengan.Parent = workspace
local m6d = Instance.new("Motor6D")
m6d.Part0 = character["Right Arm"]
m6d.Part1 = rasengan
m6d.C0 = CFrame.new(0,-2,0)
m6d.Parent = rasengan
for Index, Value in ipairs(rasengan.Attachment:GetChildren()) do
Engine:FireClient(player, "LoadAnim", {Animation = repStorage.Animations.Run, human = human})
Engine:FireAllClients("RasenganCharge", {Char = character, rasengan = rasengan})