Hello! I’ve been working on an ARG style game, and I need these two things for some puzzles. I’ve tried using old scripts that used to work, but don’t work anymore due to roblox changes. Any help is appreciated!
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I assume you should be able to just do this for the badge part:
local BadgeID = ... -- Set this
local BadgeService = game:GetService("BadgeService")
local UserHasBadge = BadgeService:UserHasBadgeAsync(game.Players.LocalPlayer, BadgeId)
if UserHasBadge then
-- Change the part properties here
Are you using the legacy chat or the new chat? I believe they have slightly different implementations for detecting the chat messages…
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im using the legacy chat, sorry for late response
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idk if you saw my previous msg so im just replying
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For legacy, I believe that you have to have a server script which listens to Player.Chatted. You then need to use a remote event to have a local script change the part properties.
local Remote = ...
Remote:FireClient(plr, message)
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