Change the background of the bubble chat?

Hello, I would like to change the background of the bubble chat but I do not know how to do it if you knew give me an answer.


By background, do you mean color? The default chat is located under PlayerGui.Chat, so you can try and find a path to the frame and changes its color from there. You could also fork the chat itself and convert it into a custom chat, it depends on what you want.

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What I like to do is playtest on ROBLOX Studio then copy and paste the chat systems. I think if you check ChatSettings and search up TextLabel or anything close, you’ll find something. You can change the Color3 values from there.
Edit: Haha, sorry. It’s the one called BubbleChat.

Bubble chats are handled by a LocalScript in the Lua Chat System - I do believe that creation is also handled here. Aside from what’s exposed for customisation in the ChatSettings module, you can tackle this directly.

Two ways you can fork it:

  • Start a play solo session (F5 or F6), look in the Chat service, copy BubbleChat, exit, paste it into the Chat service in Studio mode.
  • Copy the code from BubbleChat.lua directly from the Roblox scripts repository.

From here, you can experiment around where the Gui elements are created.

A note out for the future regarding your thread:

Let’s try and be a little kinder in the way we ask for help on something. :slightly_smiling_face:


I have posted a “forked” chat bubble script which can be found here

There are other replies in this thread that will teach you how to change them yourself because the chat bubbles are currently set to be black instead of white.

This person was able to explain how to make the necessary changes

Also please search for similar posts before posting your own.


Thank you for your reply. In search of the code I managed to color the background.:smiley:


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