Change the completely arbitrary gamepass limit

[quote] Technically, there is no limit on how many gamepasses you can make - the limit only applies to how many are shown on the game’s page.

No, there’s a limit on how many gamepasses you can make per game, period.

Myself and plenty others have hit it.

Pretty sure that’s their entire philosophy.[/quote]

This might just be the most true thing on the internet.

Now that the big bad code freeze is long over, can we please do something about this?

Also while you’re at it - could you make Gamepass purchases update instantly like dev products, because after an ingame purchase of a gamepass you have to go to a new server for it to work

That’s why you need to try to use MarketplaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset (rather than using HasGamepass or whatever) and it will automatically track you own it immediately after purchase.


That’s why you need to try to use MarketplaceService:PlayerOwnsAsset (rather than using HasGamepass or whatever) and it will automatically track you own it immediately after purchase.[/quote]

I wish I could thank your post 100 times

I feel as if this post needs to come up once more.

One of the questions I am frequently asked is “What are you planning to do gamepass wise with your game?”

Well, I can’t make gamepasses even though my game only has two active passes and there’s nothing I can do about it.

[quote] I feel as if this post needs to come up once more.

One of the questions I am frequently asked is “What are you planning to do gamepass wise with your game?”

Well, I can’t make gamepasses even though my game only has two active passes and there’s nothing I can do about it. [/quote]

Put your gamepasses in a separate place, then use BadgeService to check if they own the item. UserHasBadge will work for any asset, not just badges. You’ll need to sell the gamepass ingame for people to discover it.

That’s just a crude workaround though. I totally agree that they should allow more pages of gamepasses.

Since this keeps on coming up:


Why ever make that cache? The day they added purchase prompts, that should no longer have cached the result. They added the boolean to represent if the purchase was made instead.

The same goes for groups. Why on earth would we want to cache if someone is in a group? We were so limited with that method, recruiting was useless because people would constantly argue that “I joined but it didnt work”

ROBLOX is moving to a more “the developer is responsible for their game’s efficiency” style of engine (which is fantastic) so I think it’s time that we aren’t told what will and won’t be cached for us. The nocache boolean parameter would be great on many existing methods (the default being false, to not modify existing implementations).

[quote] Why ever make that cache? The day they added purchase prompts, that should no longer have cached the result. They added the boolean to represent if the purchase was made instead.

The same goes for groups. Why on earth would we want to cache if someone is in a group? We were so limited with that method, recruiting was useless because people would constantly argue that “I joined but it didnt work”

ROBLOX is moving to a more “the developer is responsible for their game’s efficiency” style of engine (which is fantastic) so I think it’s time that we aren’t told what will and won’t be cached for us. The nocache boolean parameter would be great on many existing methods (the default being false, to not modify existing implementations). [/quote]

I would rather have an update which retrofits and fixes all existing cases of this bug, which themselves spur massive inconvenience and countless complaints.

It’s not fun having to make sure you join a new server, it’s not entirely the developers’ fault that they came across :PlayerHasPass() before the marketplaceservice one. (And rightfully so, one would assume having a name like “PlayerHasPass” would be more appropriate when trying to use the gamepass feature)

I’d like a single instance where something like this would break something in an existing game. Other than the countless and then now irrelevant “Please leave and rejoin a new server to make this pass work! :O” messages ingame, in the description, and in comments/ PM’s/ forum posts.

This is true. PlayerHasPass seems like the most logical one to use, yet it is the WORST to use.

Feel like with the upcoming base updates, this should be brought up again.

I just don’t understand why they limited it to 9 to begin with…

Was searching through the forum to take a look if anyone has previously mentioned this issue, as it seems that is true.

This is still a huge issue four years later, someone at Roblox really needs to take a look at this and raise it.


Yes, I cannot begin to state how much this frustrates me.

I have people to pay, and I don’t want my monetization methods messed with because someone arbitrarily thought “oh, 15 is enough” when writing the web code.


hey y’all - reviving this super old thread, but we’ve recently up’d the limit of gamepasses you can have for sale to 50. we’re still trying to judge what’s a good limit to have vs what malicious users can abuse but I hope that this helps for the time being!


Wouldn’t a malicious person just spam you with devproducts instead of gamepasses, since there’s no limit to how many times a player can buy a devproduct.

Thanks for increasing it btw.


we’ve found malicious behavior with both in the past unfortunately which prompted the limits in the first place


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