Change the default editor font to a true programming font

The current default font(courier new( of the roblox studio is really bad for programming. Here are some of thing that as a programmer I find bad about it. I would also change the font on the devhub for an better alternative.

  • It’s hard to read the text of it under light background
  • It’s serif are way too large
  • The font border too thin so it’s hard too read
  • It’s hard to determine wether certain symbol are a letter or a number.(Look at the screenshot of visual studio preview)
    Visual studio preview
    Here is a comparison with the programming font I use on every editor/ide, jetbrain mono:
    and here is the preview for cascadia mono:

In addition, courier is originally made for type writer in mind which is ridicule knowing that roblox studio editor use a font made for this use.\

If the default font wouldn’t be courier new it would significantly improve the quality of programming as it would help us distinguish different symbol within the code.

I would suggest to use eIther jetbrain mono however some people might not be fan of it’s ligiature or Cascadia code which don’t have any ligiature. Jetbrain mono have a open source license so it might be preferable to use it. I don’t know if cascadia have a open source license.