I want to make it so when the player deploys an explosive device, it faces the players, which ive managed to do pretty well,
One issue that ive encounter is that the exploisve device clips through walls as it doesnt rotate to the walls angle, same with a ceilling
How could I make it rotate to the angle thats its placed onto?
the script that has the orientation changing things
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local RemoteEvent = RS.ClientEvents.C4Event
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, MousePosition)
local Char = Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local C4 = game.ServerStorage.CloneC4:Clone()
C4.Parent = game.workspace
C4.Name = Player.Name.. "'s C4"
C4.Handle.Position = MousePosition + Vector3.new(0,0.235,0)
local CurrentPosX = C4.Handle.Orientation.X
local CurrentPosY = C4.Handle.Orientation.Y
C4.Handle.Orientation = Vector3.new(CurrentPosX,Char.HumanoidRootPart.Orientation.Y,CurrentPosY)
I wrote this script, however I don’t think it will work that well.
local explosive: Model
local hit: BasePart
-- assuming this script is being run when you want to anchor and position the explosive
explosive.PrimaryPart.Anchored = true
--\\ CFrame Side Math
local c = hit.CFrame
local s = hit.Size / 2
local p = c.Position
local sides = {
Front = c.LookVector * s.Z + p,
Back = -c.LookVector * s.Z + p,
Right = c.RightVector * s.X + p,
Left = -c.RightVector * s.X + p,
Top = c.UpVector * s.Y + p,
Bottom = -c.UpVector * s.Y + p,
local touchedside, magnitude = 1000
local expos = explosive:GetPivot().Position
--\\ Get Touched Side (ideally)
for side, pos in pairs(sides) {
local dist = (expos - pos).Magnitude
if dist < magnitude then
magnitude = dist
touchedside = side
--\\ Set Position of Explosive
local sidepos = touchedside.Position
local lookc = CFrame.new(sidepos, hit.Position) * CFrame.Angles(0,math.pi,0)
I didn’t want to just throw it out, so here it is. Again, I don’t think it will work. I imagine the explosive will go to the middle of the surface instead of, you know, where it should be.
Maybe try using a PlaneConstraint. This constraint isn’t documented too much, but it simply takes two points and creates a plane between them. This plane is the only space that the object can stay in, and this would be the surface it touches. You might be able to use part of the code I sent to get the touched surface, although it might require some fixing since I can’t test it right now. There might also be a better way.