Change view model's position according to the first person camera

Wondering this because I was trying to make a first person camera like Doors.

In Doors, the player is able to view their entire body like normal, but when touching walls not only you can’t see through them but the body is in the right position, which wouldn’t happen by manipulating the CameraOffset for example (like some tutorials)

I came to the conclusion that Doors uses view models (or something similar) but somehow they still are positioned as the player would normally see them while looking down. Like the title says, how would I be able to replicate this?

I think Doors uses IKcontrols for the player model looking up and down, the camera just sets to the position of the head + an offset forwards

The body being visible is by using a special property called LocalTransparencyModifier, just do a for loop of the character’s children with the condition if child:IsA("BasePart") and child.Name~="Head" then and you set LocalTransparencyModifier unfortunately the property resets to 1 every frame so you gotta set it to 0 every frame

This is a screenshot from the game to visualize better. It works like making a normal first person, except that you can’t see through the walls.