Change what a function does outside of the function

a more dificult one but might be interesting.
in replicated storage i have a modulescript with the following script

local module = {}

function module.function1 (var1,var2)
--some action

function module.function2 (var3, var4)
--some action
function module.function99 (var234, var123)
--some action

I want this module to be both available to clientside and serverside.
so I was thinking of sending everything through a remote event

local RemoteEvent = script.Parent

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
if RunService:IsServer() == true then

here is my dilemma…
i can add a

 if RunService:IsClient() == true then end

to every function… but there has to be a better way… i do want to keep the function names and variable names with the type checking

You either have to have the if statement to check if it is a client in each one, or have two seperate module scripts.