I’ve been trying to recognize a Bool Value change with a script, although it is not working. Nothing shows up in the Output, and the following script is ran in a GUI:
I have tried using “Lighting.Changed”, and the same issue persists with nothing in the Output. The value’s location is correct and the ‘startup’ function exists, so I’m not sure why that is happening, I’ve tried looking for it in the Developer Forum but nothing has helped me. Assistance would be appreciated.
GetPropertyChangedSignal requires a Property to change & listen for, so it has to be done by finding 1 of these certain properties depending on what object you selected
If your changing it on the client side it won’t register in a serverscript. I see no reason for it to work incorrectly, so this is most probably the cause.
I’m using a Server Side Script for the GUI instead of a Local Script, however, I’m testing the Changed function by changing the value through Roblox’s properties during Game Test. I’ll try changing to a Local Script and using Remote Events.