Changelogs for Facility X: Classified Reactor game

This post is for a list of the changelog/patch notes for my game.

Game: Facility X: Classified Reactor [Alpha] - Roblox


  • Alpha release 2/7/25

  • Changed Reactor Operator team to require 50 XP

  • Changed it so you must be in the group to join the Security Team


  • Changed Security team to require 500 XP

  • Changed XP armor to require 1000 XP to equip

  • Added more screen shake effects to make events feel better

  • Added a button to shutdown the reactor (key located in the Reactor Core room next to the hazmat suit)

  • Security is allowed to kill anyone who tries to shut down the reactor when it is not necessary or if it is being abused. (it is not necessary to shutdown reactor when trying to complete task)

  • Changed it so only 10 players can be on Security team

  • Changed it so only 8 players can be on Reactor Operators team

  • Fixed health bar display

  • Changed Reactor Operator team to require 100 XP to join