Changes to FloorMaterial Replication

I’ve been unable to reproduce this in my Studio place any longer, either. This issue should be marked as solved, then - @AdamMZTE could you confirm that it’s also been fixed on your end?


Yes! It has been fixed for me and my friend.


I look for what the player is standing on every frame for my anticheat. I raycast up to 5 times to see what the player is standing on and so far it hasn’t failed me.

Should I be switching to FloorMaterial instead? How secure is this property? My anticheat is running every frame so would this be more performant costly than my current solution?

Yeah? It’s just a replication update, it won’t really change that much other than the client not being able to spoof the FloorMaterial.

No, floor material is no longer being calculated on server. You should stick to what you got now.

Prior to this update, floor material was calculated on the client and replicated to the server. Now, assuming this is a serverside anticheat, floor material is calculated on the server.

FloorMaterial is no longer a replicated property, so it should be pretty safe. Internally, we can raycast up to 9 times, but it’s also a lot cleaner to rely on FloorMaterial if you don’t need the specific part that is the floor, just the FloorMaterial.

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