Changes to the Games Sort Order

Bad update, sponsored games only show up on Top Rated, Popular, and Top Earning, these sorts are all thrown to the bottom. Do players have to search through these specific sorts just so I can have a chance of players seeing this game? The answer is yes… and that’s terrible.


I don’t personally like the update. I like top rated and featured being higher, but popular should always be at the top.


I think Featured should be first, then Popular.

Having Popular be 3 or 4 down isn’t a good idea, so I agree with you there.


for what i just saw on the game section, they need to keep one category for “Popular”, i checked a few days ago and i was like…well, ok then…why two of them?

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A bunch of featured games are well-made, but not fun. Honestly, what I’m seeing a lot with the featured section is that they’re keeping games that would have died on life support. Life support won’t make a long-lasting game.


I believe this will benefit a just released game quite well and give it a easier way to launch a game instead of relying on pure luck and spending a large amount on marketing to streams and youtubers and so on. In contrast I can see this making lifespans of a fairly good game shorter. Hopefully this doesn’t happen we really won’t know till the test is done. And I would like to see Roblox show us some of the analytics that result from this closely monitored test.

Glad that this isn’t an April Fools joke! Featured games are sometimes “underplayed” and it definitely helped new game developers <3

How is this change fair for people who are using “Sponsored Games” ?

Their “Sponsored Games” get’s seen a lot less than before.

I guess it’s best to not use “Sponsored Games” at the time being.

and use “User Ads” instead which btw get’s seen a lot less than “Sponsored Games” and also blockable by AdBlockers.

Okay just discovered something

I’m not sure what they are doing


They are simply doing some tests. They are using the Sponsored game to feature games that are playable in many languages and Populare Near You to show games that are played around your area. I believe this is to test the effect on international players who are now shown with titles that are most likely in their languages.


As cool as that sounds, you’re only catering to developers with that statement using the featured section(which is a VERY small total amount of players). You have to look at this with a player perspective, players don’t care how well-polished, well-made, advanced, etc, a game is, they just want something fun to play. If a game is truly fun, it wouldn’t need to be on the featured tab in the first place to gain traction(which is temporary most of the time), it is possible to reach the front page of popular without spending a penny.

Update on this… besides covering the Popular sort with 2 other sorts, the Popular sort is now organized by games’ total players and not device’s players, which makes it less efficient. Roblox, you’re slowly going to kill the Popular sort if you don’t stop these changes.

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It is very clear that the majority doesn’t like the New Game Sort Order according to the replies

but let’s vote so it’s crystal clear

  • I like the new changes and prefer the New Game Sort Order
  • I don’t like the new change and prefer the Old Game Sort Order

0 voters

They should have an official poll in every appropriate OPs of new features so the responses can be easily given and collected.


OK, then I agree with you that if you make a truly good game you don’t need to be featured. But a good game like this doesn’t always come easy. From a developer point of view, having the chance to be featured is an amazing opportunity to get some people to play your game and to get some feedback and eventually improve yourself. I believe the featured sort is more for the developers than it is for the players. And this is essential for people that have put a lot of efforts on their games but that are still in the process of learning.

And I’m not talking about the featured sort they made for their test as it has nothing to do with helping smaller dev since they only choose already popular games.

In any case, I don’t think this is the point to argue about featured or not as this is not what the thread is about. Roblox is making some tests to see what is the impact of those and I respect this initiative.

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Wait, since when did they put genres up? If that isn’t something from Roblox+ then its probably an AB test.

@wravager man I have no idea, I found that page with Google Chrome using Incognito mode and not logging in.

Must be an AB test because Extensions doesn’t work in Incognito mode

:o You’re right. I wonder why the sorts have no particular order. Games with <1000 players are sorted to the front over games with >1000.

Nice one, Roblox. You did it again. Every time an update comes out, regardless if it’s for testing or a full-blown update, I always think that these updates are never well thought out.

Please ask the community first or at least think of the effects it might have. One of the effects is the Sponsored Games, now being pretty much useless (at least for me). Time to use ads for now.

I used to get 0.30-0.40 CTR, now getting 0.10. Nice.

It would be nice to see some sort of “pre-update” section somewhere where we, as us developers can check out the updates before It gets released. Not sure how It will work, but one of my ideas is like with a list of pending updates that developers can click and check out. For example, this update could’ve been on the list, and we could’ve checked out the new Game Sort Order and give opinions back before releasing it to everyone.

I believe that if we want to make this community the best it can possibly be, I think that we should all be able to give our opinions on future updates that effects our jobs. By what I mean, is that many people here on the platform makes Roblox games for a living (as you may know), and releasing updates without giving us an insight before releasing it fully is a bit sketchy for many of us.

This is just my thoughts! I’m not that good at writing, sorry if I have made a few mistakes, lol.

I’m not normally that active on the DevForum, but this is yet another update that isn’t on my “Wow, great update” side.


You guys litterally have a testsite you can test these updates on and have us say what we think about it before you release it onto the actual site…Same with gametest sites.

I fully believe you should start using these sites you have as ACTUAL testing grounds so we can communicate better with you all.

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I think you need to chill a little. I don’t entirely agree with the changes as is, but it’s a test dude. Things can and will be changed as they find a better layout for everyone.

This also will skew your poll you started, since of course nobody likes it right now. What the poll really should have been about was whether alternative layouts should be considered, which I think many people would agree is necessary since some top sections of the page are pretty irrelevant at this point.

From the OP:


I think the number 1 problem for me personally is that the Popular Near You and Popular sorts seem to no longer sort differently by platform - they sort by total players across platforms. We checked this ourselves and it seems Mobile is the same sort as PC, whereas before it was split by platform.

This severely disadvantages games that are only available on one platform. If I have 10k players on PC, I’m going to get beaten by games that have less players on PC but more players on mobile, despite by game being more popular on PC.

Was this perhaps a mistake? Since the previous sort factored in per-platform numbers. Or perhaps I am mistaken? Either way it would be great to have confirmation we both new sorts are sorted by Age group and by Platform.