I have a surface GUI which I’m trying to resize the elements within as their added to take up the whole board. My issue is that in the second half of my script when I try to scale the Y components, it rewrites the X component to 0. I know I’ve written 0 in the script but I’m not sure how to preserve the X as what they were before. I need to do the X any Y separate. I tried doing going down to the CellSize.X.Offset but that doesn’t work as according to multiple questions on UDim2 you are not able to rewrite single components of UDim.
while true do
local ingui = game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui:GetChildren()
if #ingui == 2 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.X,0,0)
elseif #ingui == 3 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.X / 2,0,0)
elseif #ingui == 4 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.X / 3,0,0)
elseif #ingui >= 5 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.X / 4,0,0)
if #ingui>= 2 and #ingui <= 5 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,0,0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.Y)
elseif #ingui>= 6 and #ingui <= 7 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,0,0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.Y / 2)
elseif #ingui>= 8 and #ingui <= 13 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,0,0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.Y / 3)
elseif #ingui>= 14 and #ingui <= 17 then
game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.UIGridLayout.CellSize = UDim2.new(0,0,0,game.Workspace.ListOfPlayers.SurfaceGui.CanvasSize.Y / 4)
ingui = {}
How can I write is so that the X is preserved and not changed to 0?