Changing a Texture's StudsPerTile or OffsetStuds properties do not update if Texture is descendant of a model with a Humanoid

If a Texture instance is a child of a part that is a child of a model controlled by a Humanoid, its StudsPerTile or OffsetStuds appear to not change, and only update visually if another property is changed, like Color or Transparency.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Insert Texture instances into a part that is a child of a model with a Humanoid.
  2. Change StudsPerTile or OffsetStuds properties of the Texture instances in Studio (client side) or with a local script. The properties will not update visually.
  3. Update the Color or Transparency properties of the Textures in the Explorer. This will cause the StudsPerTile or OffsetStuds properties to update.

texture bug.rbxl (53.2 KB)

Expected behavior

I expect the StudsPerTile or OffsetStuds properties of Texture to update when they are changed on the client.


Iā€™m having the same issue. I tween the OffsetStuds values, and the numbers change, but they do not update on the part. The texture stays the same and does not agree with current value.

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We are working on solving some of the slow downs and apparently one change caused the issue you were seeing.

I rolled back the change that was most likely responsible.

Could you be so kind and re-test to see if the rollback fixed the issue?

Thank you.


Yes, it seems to be working now! Thank you!

Bit off topic, but when you say slowdowns, are you referring to the InvalidateFastClusters problem? :eyes:


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