Changing Avatar´s Position while Sitting

While doing a Cinema Seat and testing it, I saw that the avatars are in a rather odd position, the back being too straight for the model and the feet colliding with the seat and I am wondering if there is a way to customize the pose players have while seated.

I have tried to fix this rotating and moving the Seat Part but it always has at least one of this issues, anyone knows a solution?

You could animate your own seat animation, its your only practical option


I used to use this back in the R6 days, it doesn’t work for the R15 body, but if you’re any good at scripting you should be able to add the extra body parts to it. It basically adjusted where and what angle the body sat and the angle of the legs, head and arms.
But like @infiniteRaymond stated, with the addition of custom animations you may have better luck with those.


Thank you both for this solutions, I will try them and will let you know how it goes :slightly_smiling_face: