Changing bubblechat text for specific / certain players


I have been unable to find a specific way to alter a bubblechat’s text unless using :RegisterFilterMessageFunction, but this only allows you to change it for EVERY player’s screen including your own. Combing through the chat modules and scripts, you’ll find yourself unable to find anything that sets the bubble chat’s text unless it is the old system.

I want to be able to change the bubble chat text for certain users while keeping it to what they typed, to other users.

Any recommendations?

Any ideas? I’ve been recommended to use :Chat and disable bubble chat but the old system’s UI is ugly and it feels too hacky and complicated.

Why is there not a system to directly edit the bubble chat text like you can with the old one, confuses me lol

Any possible ideas? bumping from last night

this might help

Unfortunately this is just to style the bubble chat. You cannot transform the text before it is displayed (per user) :(. I appreciate the idea

Bumping again to hopefully get some ideas