Changing 'Debugger Enabled' setting in StudioAppSettings.json file


I have been wanting to disable the Debugger in studio, because it’s just… not my thing. I’ve ran into a problem tho: setting Debugger Enabled off and restarting studio doesnt do anything. it just doesnt save.
After doing some research, the most reasonable explanation is that it doesnt save because my windows account name has an á character in it, and its not supported for paths or wtv…

To make this short; im trying to edit the Debugger Enabled setting in the file its stored in. (StudioAppSettings.json)
There are a LOT of things that include Debugger tho, and im unsure which one is the same as Debugger Enabled in studio, and I dont wanna set them to false one by one, cuz I dont wanna mess things up :​P

Thingies including the word 'debugger'
  • "FFlagStudioHandleDebuggerHittingBreakpointDuringResume":false
  • "FFlagFixPropertiesTabFreezeOnDebugger":true
  • "FFlagStudioDebuggerExtendedFunctionInfoPOC":false
  • "FFlagRemoveIDebuggerCloneTracker2":false
  • "DFIntDebuggerTooltipExpressionEvaluationLimit":1024
  • "FStringStudioPlayModeAllowedBuiltins":"\t Debugger.rbxm,SelectDragger.rbxm,SimulationStep.rbxm,MoveDragger.rbxm,ScaleDragger.rbxm,RotateDragger.rbxm,Tutorials.rbxm,AttenuationCurveEditor.rbxm,StreamingServiceDispatcherRegistry.rbxm,AudioEqualizerEditor.rbxm,DirectionalCurveEditor.rbxm,ExplorerPlugin.rbxm,PerformanceTools.rbxm"
  • "DFIntDebuggerEventsThrottleHundredthPercent":2000
  • "FFlagCDEnableCompositorDebugger1":false
  • "FFlagScriptDebuggerNoRoot":true
  • "FFlagStudioDebuggerEnableMetaBreakpointSplit":false
  • "DFIntDebuggerEventIngestThrottleHundredthPercent":5000
  • "FFlagStudioDebuggerRemoveConnectionProperly":false
  • "FFlagStudioLocalDebuggerConnectionLockTargetDMBeforeDoingWork":false
  • "FFlagDebuggerFixBreakModeInUnitTest":true
  • "FFlagRemovePSMLDebuggerPlaceSessionModelListener4":true

Thanks for reading my stupidly long post!! :​)