Changing Description of Place

Hello! I’m implementing a way for certain users to create their own places using AssetService:CreatePlaceAsync(), which allows custom descriptions to be put for the places.

I can’t seem to find a way to allow the players to change the description, title or icon of the place after creating it. I have looked through the documentation and internet and found nothing. The UpdatePlaceAsync() function allows updating of the content of the game, but not the description, logo or title of it.

Could making a copy of the game and removing the old one be a workaround? Do you know of a way to change the properties of a place through a script? Please let me know!


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I havent worked with this before but the work around you stated may be the solution. If you were able to get the data from the old place maybe using a datastore and deleting that datastore once you transfered the place data to another then you could change the description name, etc. Once again I havent worked with creating places before so im not exactly sure.

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