Changing image through script problem

Hello everyone!

I am trying to make it so people with a certain value get a different image, but I can’t change the image through a script?

Here is the exetremely simple code

GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = '1'

PS: I tried changing the ’ to " but it does the same thing

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‘1’ is not a valid image id, a image is should look like:

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But what is the entire script?
That line just tries to makes the image 1 but as @domboss37 said, that’s not valid.

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change this to

GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://00000000"

instead of the 0’s, put the ID of your Image. Upload it on Roblox, and then copy the numbers from the URL


I just put 1 there, the actualy image id is rbxassetid://10201981573 but it still does not work

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there is an actual ID there but I just put 1

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If you put 1 tho, it doesn’t work…Unless you’ve done

local 1 = rbxassetid://0000000

and change it to

GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = 1
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	GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10202071783"
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That’s the whole script??? All of it??

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The entire script is

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

		local GuiClone = script.PlayerNametag:Clone()
		GuiClone.Parent = Character.Head
		local Text = GuiClone.Role.Text
		local Username = GuiClone.Username.Text
		local PlayerName = player.Name

		local PlayerRank = player:GetRoleInGroup() -- Put your group ID in the ()		
		local NotInGroup = "Civilian" -- What players not in the group are named
		local NotInGroupColor =, 1, 1) -- The GUI's color of the people not in the group
		local MainGroupID = "13355183"  -- Put the main group ID in the " "
		local MainGroupColor =, 0.396078, 0.580392) -- The color of the main group's gui
		local HRTID = "13506906" -- Put the Second Group ID in the " ".
		local HRTCOLOR =, 0.180392, 0.231373) -- The color of the second group's gui
		local SFID = "13434037" -- Put the Third Group ID in the " ".
		local SFColor =, 0, 0) -- The color of the third group's gui
		local IAID = "13433975" -- Put the Third Group ID in the " ".
		local IAColor =, 0.12549, 0.376471) -- The color of the third group's gui
		local SID = "13433862" -- Put the Third Group ID in the " ".
		local SColor =, 0.321569, 0.741176) -- The color of the third group's gui
		local TAID = "13355801" -- Put the Third Group ID in the " ".
		local TAColor =, 0.27451, 0.176471) -- The color of the third group's gui
		-- [[ CUSTOMIZE ]] --
		-- SCRIPT -- 
		if player:GetRankInGroup(MainGroupID) >= 18 then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = MainGroupColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = MainGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = MainGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "FBI Headquarters"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10202071783"
		elseif player:IsInGroup(HRTID) then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = HRTCOLOR
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = HRTCOLOR
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = HRTCOLOR
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "Hostage Rescue Team"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10202071783"

		elseif player:IsInGroup(SFID) then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = SFColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = SFColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = SFColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "Special Forces"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10201970115"
		elseif player:IsInGroup(IAID) then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = IAColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = IAColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = IAColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "Internal Affairs"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10202002219"
		elseif player:IsInGroup(SID) then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = SColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = SColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = SColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "Security"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10202015067"
		elseif player:IsInGroup(TAID) then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = TAColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = TAColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = TAColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "Training Academy"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10201981573"
		elseif player:IsInGroup(MainGroupID) then

			Text.Text = PlayerRank
			Text.TextColor3 = MainGroupColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = MainGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = MainGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = "FBI Personnel"
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.Image = "rbxassetid://10201626414"

			Text.Text = NotInGroup
			Text.TextColor3 = NotInGroupColor
			Username.Text = PlayerName
			Username.TextColor3 = NotInGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.BackgroundColor3 = NotInGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.Text.Text = " "
			GuiClone.Line.BackgroundColor3 = NotInGroupColor
			GuiClone.Division.ImageLabel.ImageTransparency = 1



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Server script or local script?

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The script is a server script but it clones the gui to local

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Do the other image labels work when setting the image? Or no?

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I haven’t tested them yet but it’s the same exact script so I assume not?

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Does setting the Text work?

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Yes everything else works fine, its just the image

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script.Parent.ImageLabel.Image = “1234567890”
Not sure if it would work.

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Are you receiving any errors? Any outputs?


Have you also checked in real time to see whether the Image property actually changes?

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I have checked into Roblox Studio?

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