Changing mesh shapes

hey all, roblox studio beginner here.

just wondering if it is possible to take a mesh and apply it to a shape


if i am able to take the cage mesh and turn it into a wedge while keeping the cage features, sort of like cutting it to make a non-square shape like this

sounds like a dumb question and it probably is, but im just curious and want to know if its possible and how to do it

You’d have to make another Mesh.

The other alternative would be to make the cage mesh as a Union, then you could cut it/shape it in Studio.

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just wondering how you would do this? because this mesh isnt imported from anywhere

The cage mesh had to be imported from somewhere.

You can export the MeshPart from Studio and work on it in Blender.

Or you can build a Part grid that size in Studio, then put the angled side rails wherever you want them and Union the whole thing.
If you wanted to make it a MeshPart then instead of making it a Union just export those Parts and Import them to Blender.