Changing network owner from client to another player from afar freezes part

So basically, my system changes the network owner to whoever kicks the ball. However, when changing the network owner from a client who is far from the ball (50+ studs??) to another player it will freeze the ball for that client and “desync” it from the server.

StreamingEnabled is off, here’s a clip explaining what I mean (Blue ghost ball is what it appears on the server): 2023-09-02 00-07-31

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Network ownership gradually increases from 0 studs to 1000 studs over a slow period of time, you can skip this by setting SimulationRadius manually.

Player.SimulationRadius = Player.MaximumSimulationRadius

If you do that on the new owner after switching network ownership, it should fix your problem.
Bear in mind that you can only use that on the client, so use of RemoteEvents may be needed.

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Thank you so much! I’ll try it out.

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its returning the following error:

The current thread cannot read 'MaximumSimulationRadius' (lacking capability LocalUser)

Simply setting SimulationRadius to math.huge returns this error:

The current thread cannot write 'SimulationRadius' (lacking capability LocalUser)

I am running it inside a LocalScript, any solutions?

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It seems I was mistaken and SimulationRadius can only be set through the command line, have you tried using default network ownership settings?

What do you mean by that? I can’t find any network ownership settings that relate to simulationdistance…

I mean, have you tried not changing the network owner to begin with?

For the ball to be smoothly moving on the player’s client, I sadly have to change the network ownership to them or there will be an obvious and big delay between touches…

change network in server and it will work properly