The first image I have pixelsPerStud set to 1 and the quality doesn’t change if its at 1 or 1000. The second image is the same settings but I enable alwaysOnTop to show the potential and what I want it to look like, but I don’t want alwaysOnTop enabled.
That’s an image, not textlabels. Therefore, quality is based on the image and not pixelsperstud
So there is no way I can make it look better?
You can make your image higher quality using online tools.
It’s odd that pixels per stud not helped you…
I’ll try to fix this issue on my images, if it will exist.
(Also thing which said guy above me is stupid cuz it won’t help in any way)
Its 2800x 1800 is that not high enough? Doesn’t roblox reduce its quality anyway
I have tried, and sadly, there’s really no way to make image look better.
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