Good morning/afternoon!
So I have no idea why this is not working lol. I want to change a ScreenGUI Frame’s color using a LocalScript. The LocalScript would be activated by a ScreenGUI Button.
local Frame = script.Parent.Parent
Frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 47/255, 47/255)
Why is this not working?
Is this a typo or a mistake in your script?
oh whoops lol! That is a typo! I just wrote the lines of code. I did not copy it from my script!
Also, just so those mistakes won’t happen again I recommend you review your code before posting it in Scripting Support
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My bad. Thanks for letting me know <3
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Strange, works fine for me. Are there any errors?
Oh never-mind! I fixed it! I do not know why I did not think of this. Lol I have the variable destination incorrect. Thank you all for helping anyway!