Hello everyone, so I looked around and I couldn’t find a solution to my Surface Scroll GUI problem. So I’m working a sign with a scroll GUI and I’ve run out of room. My question is there currently a way to take a Surface GUI on a part and scale it up other than changing the size and scaling the part to fit it again. Cause I’ve tried that and each time the board get’s larger and larger. You can see what I’ve made and the layout.
From what I can tell, you want to keep the scroll frame size itself the same, but add more room when you scroll. If so, you need to edit the property called “Canvas Size” under the “Scrolling” tab. By default, the canvas size of a scrolling frame is {0, 0},{2, 0}, so if you increase it to {0, 0},{4, 0} for example, you’ll have double the scrolling space in the same frame size, allowing for more content as you scroll.
Try using “UI List Layout” to position your frames. I see that you have multiple content frames inside of your scrolling frame, and it is a hassle to calculate the positioning of each individual frame. UI List Layout allows you to set your desired padding and the rest is done automatically. You can even choose to have them be sorted vertically or horizontally.