Changing Starter Character Problems

I’m experiencing various problems with changing the players character model only from the default r15 to my own rig. I’m currently trying to do this by putting the model in starterPlayer.

I seem to spawn as the player although the camera is not following the model.

I cannot move but the idle animation I put in using the startercharacter scripts does work.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 222033

All I’m trying to do is change it from the default to my own rig.

my camera won’t go any closer and the first person view is just making the rig invisible but not actually putting me in first person

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local customChar : Model -- your model
customChar.Parent = workspace
player.Character = customChar

-- // isn't necessary but I'll wait till the next pre-physics step to make sure

local setNetworkOwnership(player, model)
    for _, child in ipairs(model:GetDescendants()) do
        if not (child:IsA("BasePart") and not child:IsGrounded()) then continue end
setNetworkOwnership(player, customChar)

Basically what you need is to set the character to the player and give the player network ownership of the char, so they can move it without lag in their screen. When you set the character to the player and the model is in workspace, the camera should automatically be locked onto the model’s humanoid. If it doesn’t you can listen on localPlayer.CharacterAdded event and customly set the focus of the camera to the model.

  • IsGrounded method checks if the BasePart is connected to a part through constraints that is anchored; or if itself is grounded

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