Changing String to Int Value, but it's not what you think

So, let’s say I have a string value, this string value being the image id of something (this is a random number but whatever)
Now, what if I wanted to convert only the number part to an int value?

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I don’t believe you can :confused: But I might be wrong

Use string.sub?

string.sub(idString, 14, -1)

im afraid i have
no idea
what you just did lol

string.sub just returns a string between the given characters. Lets take an example.

local gamerString = "engineer"

string.sub(gamerString, 1, 4)
would return a string starting with the first character of the string, ending with the 4th character of the string.

so it would return engi?

is the third parameter defaulted to the last part of the string? if so, since rbxassetid:// will always be the same amount of characters, could i just say string.sub(imageid, 14)?

his works but doesn’t convert to a number. you can use tonumber.

tonumber(string.sub(idString, 14, -1))

you might also find this way more convenient

tonumber(string.match(idString, "%d+"))
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I’m not sure if string ids have a fix length, but I wouldn’t bet on that being the case.

the third paramater of string.sub() will default to -1, which indeed means that it will go till the end of the string

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yeah, i thought about doing that eventually with the tonumber

now, what does the %d+ mean?

Oh this post here might help

%d means number. + means one or more.

%d will match a number and the + is there to let you match multiple characters of numbers

so then in theory tonumber(string.sub(myString, 14)) should work?

Yes. It should yea yea, it will work