Changing the current ActivatedUI into a Scroll UI

Hello Developers,

I need help in changing my current ActivatedUI for team-changing. Currently, the Team Changer only allows for two teams to be placed, however I need more teams added (see example A below).

Example A
This example shows the two teams onto the UI.

Our previous developer who had left due to real-life issues made a UI exactly like this for our vehicle spawners, where the UI will scroll to show all available vehicles for use by the player (See example B below).

Example B - Gyazo Video
Roblox (

I took a photo of the script that is used to open the Vehicle Spawner UI with scroll text (See example C.1 and C.2).

Example C.1

Example C.2

Example C.2 shows the script that opens the GUI to select a vehicle.

So, I need assistance in editing the team changer to reflect a Scrolling Frame just like the vehicle spawner, so that players can scroll through available teams. Below are the scripts used for changing teams. I hope you can help.

Script 1
Handler to open gui2

This script is what opens the GUI and allows for the team-change.

Script 2
This is the handler script that is inside of the team-changer that provides all the available teams.

Let me know if you need anything else. I appreciate it a lot.



I added a scrolltext to the UI, which appeared to work and the team-change still followed through, however, it will not X out of the UI or close once the team has been changed (See the example below).

Example 1A
Town Test - Roblox Studio (