Changing the mouse cursor for a first-person game

Hello. I’m making this game where you are in a house on a dark night. It’s not finished yet, but I’d like to know how I can change the mouse to be a small circle instead of this big arrow.

Hopefully it will work with click detectors as well, since in the game you have to shut the lights off in the house.

Here is an image of the big ugly mouse:

Thank you in advance! : D


To change the Mouse Icon you can simply use the Player’s Mouse service for that.

This will only work in a Local Script

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://0000000"

Does that go into player scripts or starter gui?


Any local script will do. StarterPlayerScripts is what I would put it in.


Ahh thank you! I think this will work, I’ll come back if it does.

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image This is the service if you’re having trouble finding it.


Alright I will wait a few minutes after I upload the picture.

very helpful thanks

Here try this asset “rbxassetid://138865017” it is a crosshair.

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oof it doesn’t want to load time for waiting game

The game isn’t loading? Or is it something to do with the script?

You can insert this in a localscript put inside of StarterPlayerScripts:

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
mouse.Icon = ""

Replace the asset ID with one of a circle, or any other decal.

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It is recommended that you use rbxassetid://0000000

They do the same thing. rbxassetid is a convenience content URL shorthand for the full (and proper) link, which is up there. It’s not recommended necessarily, it’s just preferred by most. I do believe Studio also converts it to this shorthand.

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Sorry, I meant I recommend it because it is easier to use.

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I know this is an old thread, but it seems popular since I found it was the first link on Google.

  • StarterPlayerScripts: Scripts here run on each player’s client and are accessible by LocalScripts, which can directly access the Player and its properties (like the Mouse). Since the Mouse property is linked to the player, placing it in StarterPlayerScripts ensures that the script has proper authorization to access LocalPlayer and modify the mouse icon without any issues.

  • StarterGui: This is intended more for GUI elements, and while LocalScripts in StarterGui can run for each player, they’re primarily designed for managing GUI components rather than accessing player-specific properties like Mouse.