Changing the parent of a player

Hell Roblox Devs!

I have an issue with my code and I don’t know why.

There is a list of players inside a folder. I want thoughts to be moved back into the workspace.

Whats the problem?
When the player is moved to the workspace, the player just vanishes and doesn’t respawn


        local Inside = script.Parent.Parent.SafePlayers:GetChildren()

		for _, Search in ipairs(Inside) do
			Search.Parent = game.Workspace.Parent

Why is it not working?

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Are you wanting to teleport them to a certain area? Also there’s a difference between a Character and a Player.

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No, I have the players that will not be attacked by an NPC inside a folder. I want them to be removed from the folder by using a code to put them into the game.workspace

The NPC recognizes players in the workspace and the workspace only

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The Player object is kept in the Players service. You can only interest with their character, humanoid etc. Not directly the object itself.

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set Search.Parent to workspace not workspace.Parent

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So I can’t move the model of the player character from a folder back to the workspace home?

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You are so right… My mistake and thank you all

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