This was only a bug in my code. This thread doesn’t make sense. Please don’t reply
Hi. I’m trying to send some data from the server to the client. So theres a variable “key” which data is “” and then it receives data gets in a function and changes key to the data from the server. I just can’t get it to working. I tried printing and the key variable in the function. Nothing. How can i make this work?
You have to put a script into the thing you want to use then e.g into textlable then do this script:
`local Status = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Status")--Status is the Value you want to use
script.Parent.Text = Status.Value
Status:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Value"):Connect(function() --checks if the value is changed
script.Parent.Text = Status.Value -- sets the text to the value