Chappell Roan Pink Pony Club Corset has inappropriate design

This is a subjective issue in more ways than one and not a bug in the slightest. On top of this, you’re claiming that players ‘mixing and matching’ with this item is a bad thing, so what could Roblox possibly do to mitigate this? Prevent mix-and-match aspects of avatar creation?

This forum section and employees should focus on actual issues with sexual content being posted and spread in the marketplace rather than this.


No, this is a bug as the item was uploaded and listed for sale without following Roblox’s TOS as an official Roblox item. The actual problem with this doesn’t have to do with mixing and matching but that Roblox’s internal checks for preventing situations like this have failed. Roblox is a platform that mainly caters to children. It goes without saying that something like this should not be permitted.

This IS an actual issue, and all bugs with Roblox should be reported in this forum, not just the ones that you particularly approve of.

Yeah no, this isn’t a bug, this is a subjective issue that’s posted here for no reason, and compared to reports like “These shadows are really choppy for some reason” or “Our UGC was removed for a black texture all of a sudden”, this is nowhere near what you want it to be no matter how badly you’re sexualizing this item.

You’re basically comparing the bodysuit to this, ngl

The bodysuit is fine. You’re making it sexual by alluding that the stars are HIGHLIGHTS WOMEN’S BREASTS OH GOD OH NO but let’s not forget that there’s users misusing their UGC privileges every day with items like above and it’s nothing but crickets.

Again. Roblox should focus on moderating ACTUAL UGC issues like the image above. And if you want to make a bug report, make it on their obvious moderation issues for the UGC above, not for a sponsored bodysuit that’s already been purist-washed already.


The difference between the assets is that one is uploaded by the official Roblox account and has a different set of standards. Roblox is made for all players, and the playerbase is majority children. Again, even the title “Pink Pony Club” is the literal name for a chain of strip clubs. The song is referencing strippers and strip clubs, the outfit has stripper motifs, the name of the outfit is a reference to strip clubs. What are you missing here?

This bug forum category is specifically for catalog asset bugs, generally relating to those uploaded by Roblox, not the moderation system of assets. Because this item was uploaded by the official Roblox account this highlights a major lapse in the internal review process for uploading official items.

This is not a bug.

  1. Not a strip club, the song refers to the first time Chappell Roan attended a gay bar called The Abbey.
  2. The song’s meaning has nothing to do with strippers, it’s about Chappell’s experience in being inside a gay bar with herself being a lesbian and learning to accept herself in a shared space for queer people.
  3. The outfit itself does not have stripper motifs and, if anything, references cowboy/cowgirl outfits and/or wrestling outfits more than anything
  4. For you to sexualize this outfit to the extent that you’re willingly ignorant about the song’s meaning when it’s a reference to a time in a queer person’s life wherein they felt free and accepted says a whole lot about how this report is nothing more than a blatant misconstruction of the entire point of Chappell Roan’s ideas and art direction for her era.

Again, this is not a bug, you have tunnel vision over this entire outfit without so much as a 2 second google search (that I did as well for this reply), and this should be closed out without a second thought.


Your point is per Chappells interview, you may be correct.

However, I could understand why @Mmm_Wafflez interpreted it as such, since on an inspective glance at the song, the song vaguely mentions “dancing for the people”, which can be interpreted as dancing at a strip club.

But at the same time if you were to ask 100 parents if you wanted their child to see said outfit, 95% would probably say no.

It looks suggestive, some tweaking can be made.

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First Part: Quite literally a bug in the process of the official Roblox account uploading assets.

Second Part: Looked further into the second part instead of basing my research off of the initial quick google search I did:

  1. The Abbey is indeed a gay bar, which part of the song is based upon. However, the bar quite literally has stripper events and even features images of someone dancing on a stripper pole on their website. I am not trying to be overly-prudish, but I believe a reference to this should not really take place on Roblox’s platform.
  2. I have not referenced the song’s meaning, only the activities that are inappropriate to be referencing around children.
  3. Stars on the chest are a pretty clear example of a stripper motif. I am not going to talk more about this.
  4. It’s not a sexualization if it is commonly agreed upon. A queer person’s feeling free and accepted does not need to mutually exclusive from sexual aspects. I’m trying to explain this as best I can, but you are taking my arguments entirely in bad faith.
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I wanted to mention this initially but removed it cause I’m a yapper:

Suggestive or not, this still feels like the lightest form of suggestion versus so many other issues that should be focused on lol

On top of that, considering the company’s already driven to including an older audience on the website and David wants dating features… Yeah no this is a non-issue idk what else to say.


Thank god the bar isn’t really referenced anywhere and it’s a western-inspired outfit with the only reference being a pink pony.

Stars on the chest ain’t, idk what else to say about it besides stay off that side of the internet before looking at avatar items cause you’re definitely influenced by something.

Considering you, again, look at stars on the chest of a bodysuit and equate it to pasties or whatever else goes onto a woman’s chest in a sexual manner instead of, idk, just stars on a chest of a pink bodysuit because it’s referencing western motifs and direction?

Again, so many other obvious sexualized items on the marketplace, but god forbid this is on here, obviously this company is in kahoots!

EDITING cause I’m tired of typing about this and I’ll let the report inevitably die out before an employee makes their decision. I made my point so have fun with it

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maybe read above before posting

Not going to be arguing against your points any further, because I see no real reason to. You are not open to suggestion and explanation.

Again, this forum is for ALL bug posts not just the ones you deem the most pertinent or worthwhile. This post is referring to an issue with the item itself, not requesting a feature.

You can search up “Pink Pony Club” on Wikipedia and it’ll say it at the end of the first paragraph

yes but still. it couldve been something else but edited since wikipedia can just be edited

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Someone did change it back to “bar” but then it was reverted and they left a note:

“While The Abbey itself is not a strip club, the song heavily implies that the woman in the song took up a job at a gay strip club/bar at a fictional strip club”

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The irony of Roblox sending me a notification to check out this item lol.


In regards to discussion about a song that this item might be referencing, it’s worth noting that Roblox has previously created several items directly based on some of Lil Nas X’s suggestive music videos (a few of which were free).


It’s possible Roblox just doesn’t care for any music video content at all and just uploads this.