Character being flipped whenever equipping tool

Hi! I was following an online guide to making a tool in Roblox. Through some work, I was dumbfounded to find my character continuously being flipped upside down every time I pull out my tool, leaving me stuck inside the ground in which you can see below.

If anyone has any advice on how to fix this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I am new here! So please, if I posted this in the wrong area, let me know and I’ll try and remove the topic if I can.


This usually happens when the Handle is anchored. Make sure to unanchor it!

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Thanks for your response! The tool is unanchored and still is doing this…

It’s probably because you’re doing it from the client window. Stop the play test and unanchor it.

It’s alright, I’ve done it outside of play testing. I know changes don’t save when you change things around in testing. The handle is set to false for anchor and has been saved before play testing. Whatever it is, I’ll see what I can do about it. Thank you for your help.

Is the script R6 only? That usually happens when you use R15 for a R6 gear.

Something that is a child of the handle must be anchored to the baseplate or whatever that part is below you.

Have you checked if the handle is welded to anything? If it is welded to another part which is itself anchored, the handle will act as if it was anchored.


This could be because the handle is welded to the baseplate or some part that it should not be welded to

Make sure that all parts in the tool is unanchored. If you want to have the tool on the person, weld it.

Thank you! This was it. I appreciate everyone’s help!