I am making a charactercreations screen, like so;
Basically when you click ‘male’ the hair options for male appears on the hair choices later, one by one, via a table, for female, same thing.
I am having trouble with the actual hair choices option. Here is the table that I am using;
local HairChoices = {
MaleHairs = {
["Bald"] = nil;
["Trecky Hair"] = 32278814;
["Afro"] = 5100703261;
["Blowout"] = 5269022822;
["Edgar Cut"] = 12654750434;
["Medium Fade"] = 4584980640;
["Middle Part"] = 7097720734
FemaleHairs = {
["Bald"] = nil;
["Popstar Hair"] = 5890690147;
["Black High Ponytails"] = 13413181958;
["Wavy Side Part w/ edges"] = 6346367086;
["Pigtails"] = 5769262031;
["Wavy Ponytail"] = 6238509303;
["Messy Buns"] = 10690181802
Here is the function that updates the hair choices, which gives the dummy their hair using InsertService
local function updateHairSelection()
if not ClickedMale and not ClickedFemale then return end
print("Player has clicked one or the other")
-- Update the hair selection based on the currentIndex
local currentHair = nil
if ClickedMale then
print("player has clicked male, showing male hairs")
currentHair = HairChoices.MaleHairs[currentIndex.MaleHairs]
return currentHair
elseif ClickedFemale then
print("player has clicked female, showing female hairs")
currentHair = HairChoices.FemaleHairs[currentIndex.FemaleHairs]
return currentHair
-- Do something with the currentHair value, like updating an image or text label in the frame
-- Insert the hair accessory on a dummy
local dummy = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(currentHair)
local hair = dummy:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Model"):FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Accessory")
if hair then
hair.Parent = CharDummy -- Change "script.Parent" to the location where you want to place the hair accessory
Whenever you click on the arrow, it’ll go to the next hair, destroying the previous one, and adding the new one, however here is the problem:
It is NOT even adding the accessory, despite having the correct asset id, which I have tested out beforehand using the commandbar
The textlabel that is meant to show the choice names for the hair doesn’t even give the name, like it’s supposed to give, “Trecky Hair”, it just puts in a number
Here is the rest of the code
if ClickedMale then
currentIndex.MaleHairs = currentIndex.MaleHairs + 1
HairChoiceLabel.Text = currentIndex.MaleHairs
if currentIndex.MaleHairs > #HairChoices.MaleHairs then
currentIndex.MaleHairs = 1
elseif ClickedFemale then
currentIndex.FemaleHairs = currentIndex.FemaleHairs + 1
HairChoiceLabel.Text = currentIndex.FemaleHairs
if currentIndex.FemaleHairs > #HairChoices.FemaleHairs then
currentIndex.FemaleHairs = 1
if ClickedMale then
currentIndex.MaleHairs = currentIndex.MaleHairs - 1
HairChoiceLabel.Text = currentIndex.MaleHairs
if currentIndex.MaleHairs < 1 then
currentIndex.MaleHairs = #HairChoices.MaleHairs
elseif ClickedFemale then
currentIndex.FemaleHairs = currentIndex.FemaleHairs - 1
HairChoiceLabel.Text = currentIndex.FemaleHairs
if currentIndex.FemaleHairs < 1 then
currentIndex.FemaleHairs = #HairChoices.FemaleHairs
Here is a video on how it is working currently
Any help would be appreciated