Character Customization Gender problem

Hello, im been thinking about character customization where you would could customization your character, I have a girl and boy Action where you chose from, but I want all users to feel more comfortable with picking a gender in my game, So I thought of completely removing the gender option, Is this a good idea

Do you think i should completely remove gender option in my game
  • Yes
  • No

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Please note you shouldn’t call out users if their choice is no

you don’t necessarily need to remove this, perhaps you could add another option, a more androgynous option so people have more to choose from and aren’t stuck in a small box

however, this might be a lot of work and you’d be better off removing it

you are the developer and you know what’s best for it :slight_smile:


If you really insist, you could add an “other…” gender, for non-binaries, etc.

If you don’t want users to feel uncomfortable with the gender choice, you can always just replace it with rig choice (if the differences between genders are purely visual)

Bad idea. This will unnecessarily complicate the customization and cause issues: if someone picks “other” then which rig are you going to give them? What set of accessories?


gender is unnecessary in that situation

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It’s better to choose the genre between girl or boy but do not place them by colors (example: girls: pink boys: blue places the two genres in a single color)