Character customization using a dummy in StarterPlayer help

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Roblox character customization using a model in StarterPlayer (going to Avatar tab > selecting Rig Builder, using 2016 masculine r15 mesh).

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Here is my rig that’s standing on a part that emits a surface light to indicate male. To the right of him is the female version with a pink light and all the custom hairs i made in blender:


Here is the UI, all button’s work via script they change everything (since it’s impossible to take hairs from rep storage and apply to the dummy i just added all six hairs to the dummy and made them transparent. so clicking Hair2 would turn all other hairs transparent except Hair2, etc. tried countless ways to not do it this way its just what’s available)

So when they click a Gender, the male or female text buttons, my script pops up the OK button:

And when that OK button is clicked, an “are you sure” prompt comes up:


When they click yes, i have a script that doesn’t seem to do anything at all, despite having no errors, that is a bunch of if then statements that check dummy conditions and fire off fireservers for remote events that I’m clearly not typing correctly. Example I’d make remote event for checking if the female dummy’s head is a certain color, and since the skin color button changes the skin color for all parts of the body for both dummies, just checking for the head of the dummy should be enough. I’d fire the head color through the remote event to change all of player.Character’s body parts to that color. That was confusing to type, probably confusing to read. I do this:

  1. Create remote event in rep storage called fSkin 1.
  2. In the OK button script, create a mousebutton1 click script to check the if then statements for the color of the dummy:


if femaleDummy.Head.Color == skin1Color then
	skineventRep:WaitForChild("fSkin1"):FireServer() else
  1. In server script for the event handler, change all body parts of player.Character:

player.Character.Head.Color = skin1Color
player.Character.UpperTorso.Color = skin1Color
player.Character.LowerTorso.Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“RightLowerArm”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“LeftLowerArm”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“RightUpperArm”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“LeftUpperArm”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“LeftLowerLeg”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“RightLowerLeg”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“LeftUpperLeg”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“RightUpperLeg”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“LeftFoot”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“RightFoot”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“LeftHand”].Color = skin1Color
player.Character[“RightHand”].Color = skin1Color

  1. skin1color is defined with a fromrgb color3:

local skin1Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 219, 146)

  1. In testing a 1 player server boot, i see the StarterCharacter i put in StarterPlayer (the r15 masculine 2016 mesh) not only delete the default mesh clothing I created, but it deletes the custom face and the color turns grey. So here is the spawn of the character before the “are you sure” yes button is clicked:

And after its clicked and character is sent away to the spawn they’re designated to go to:


Something along the lines of the Roblox MMO Vesteria is the direction I’m wanting to go, but I have no idea how they accomplished this.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

I’ve read many posts about how character customization by these means are daunting, but I’ll put in any effort i need to if someone can point me the right direction.

After that, you should include more details if you have any. Try to make your topic as descriptive as possible, so that it’s easier for people to help you!

-- This is an example Lua code block

Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category.

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I’m embarrassed how badly I did this after finally finding a common “morph” script. This allowed me to take my dummy contents seamlessly and make the player = to the dummy clone. So instead of my 1500 lines of if then fire events i have a 256 line male/female morph. I’m down to one problem if anyone has a moment, where my player.Character.Humanoid"Body Colors".HeadColor and LeftLegColor etc are affecting the skin color selector of my character customization. Do I need to manually type out each button and a remote event to change the humanoid description colors? The R15 colors aren’t applying when morphing the dummy, obviously. If there is a more efficient way that would be awesome.

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