local Module = require(game.Workspace.CharEditorV1)
Module.SetWalkSpeed(game.Players.LocalPlayer, 0) -- Sets the walkspeed to 0
Why was this module created?
This module was created for games that frequently need to change a players WalkSpeed, JumpPower, and Character Transparency.
All Functions
Module.SetWalkSpeed(Player, WalkSpeed) -- Changes WalkSpeed.
Module.SetJumpPower(Player, JumpPower) -- Changes JumpPower.
Module.GetWalkSpeed(Player) -- Retrieves WalkSpeed.
Module.GetJumpPower(Player) -- Retrieves JumpPower.
Module.SetCharacterTransparency(Player, Transparency) -- Changes entire characters Transparency to specified transparency.
Module.Reload(Player) -- Reloads entire character using :LoadCharacter().
Module.SetHealth(Player, Health) -- Sets Humanoids Health to specified amount.
Module.SubtractHealth(Player, Amount) -- Subtracts specified amount of health from Humanoid.
Module.ApplyCharacter(Player, TargetUserID) -- Sets Players character to the character of the specified UserID.
Please let me know if you find any bugs or have feedback on something you’d like me to add to the module. I would really appreciate your feedback. This is one of my first public modules. However I have a much bigger and better module upcoming in a few months. This was just something I quickly put together. I hope someone can bring it to good use.
The only things I see could be useful are SetCharacterTransparency and ApplyCharacter. Every other function seems unnecessary, and could be easier done just by indexing the character.
I agree with @bluebxrrybot, this seems unnecessary and the only things that are useful are things he mentioned in his post. Everything else just seems like clutter.
I think indexing is easier for starters than importing a module. By the way, it just makes your code longer due to the fact you have to import something.
Well if this is unnecessary I will just delete the post. Thanks for your feedback. idk what I was thinking when I was making this module. I must have just been out of good ideas.
What I’d like to suggest is more utility just like SetCharacterTransparency and ApplyCharacter, like LockToCursor, which locks the character to the cursor and with a check to prevent the character from messing up with seats upon sitting on them, and Ragdoll, which ragdolls your character.
Despite the basics being used to shorten the character and humanoid check, more utility would make this module more useful as I mentioned.