Character Faces visible through particle emitters

Decals aren’t visible through the particle emitter, which is good, but for some reason literally just character faces are visible through it. (The particle emitter is for a smoke grenade)

What we are going to do is just make the smoke parts if we cannot come up with a solution, but we like how the emitter looks.

When I tested this in studio, my character’s face wasn’t visible through the smoke emitted by a smoke emitter.

A small demo place + maybe some system specs might help.

Have a screenshot?

It’s always been like that since the beginning. I forget why but there’s some reason for it, I think it has to do with making something work correctly in first person camera but I can’t remember exactly what.

I’m pretty sure I actually welded a fake head onto a character and made the main one invisible at one point to work around it. Try that. It’s very specific behavior for exactly the Head->FaceDeal IIRC.

It’s because of the way the rendering works. It doesn’t work for a lot of people since their heads have a transparency of 0. Since you have the Headless head, the decal renders oddly and it causes it to appear on top of it. This happens with transparent decals as well.

I am not saying I know exactly how it works, this is my guess.

No, it’s for our game, has nothing to do with having a headless head

Alright thanks, we’ll try that. :smiley:

Mk, sorry, that was just my guess. I’m honestly not surprised I was wrong.

It’s no problem bro